Heat Alert, put on an extra layer!


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Today. Monday 24th June, is reported to be the start of a mini heatwave. Here is how the BBC is selling it to us;

The next few days are expected to bring the highest temperatures of the summer so far as warm air surges northwards across the UK. Scotland and Northern Ireland are expected to see their warmest weather on Monday, with highs of 24 to 26C, perhaps even 27C in eastern Scotland, before cloudier and cooler weather arrives from the west on Tuesday.

I am looking out at window and have been outside. The sky is grey, I can see some rain clouds. There is a 10% of rain. It is quite cool outside and I am thinking of changing out of my optimistic short sleeved summer shirt into something a bit warmer. It is allegedly 21 degrees outside but it looks bleak.

Furthermore, this “heatwave” I am promised by the BBC ends .. tomorrow. Is it just me or do you find that the weather forecasts we get are wildly inaccurate? I see them as entirely political broadcasts aimed at keeping us fearful of the chimera of “unstoppable global warming”! Too often, when it comes to the ACTUAL weather we experience I am reminded of that line from 1984…

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