Help! – a cry from Princess Catherine?

I know I’ve covered this topic quite a bit but Princess Catherine is in line to become a future Queen of the United Kingdom so it doesn’t seem that unreasonable to politely ask why it is that the last time we can be certain we saw her was December 25th 2023. We are six months past that time and the whole “Kate has cancer” narrative has been levered into situ so shut up all debate. But many of us still have questions and I would like you to consider this social media post.

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Scum Media.

Yesterday, 1st June 2024, saw a fantastic gathering of British patriots in London. They came from all parts of the UK to stand together as part of an event organised by Tommy Robinson and they converged on Parliament Square to watch his latest documentary “Lawfare” which highlighted the insidious growth of two-tier policing in our Capital City. I personally know many people who were present, and the one thing that they have in common is that they are all great people, true patriots who want their country back!

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