Universities are toxic.

I wanted to talk to you about the increasing development of academic spaces within our town centres. If you take my local town of Belfast, I see one new student accommodation building after another appearing across the skyline. This begs the question – where are all these students coming from? A cursory examination shows that a significant number of these students are actually oversea students who constitute a lucrative income flow for the universities. In addition to these overseas students, we also have a lot of young local people entering tertiary education to pursue utterly worthless degrees, racking up huge amounts of debt but yet again enriching the coffers of the bloated woke universities.

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Shedding is real!

Do you remember when anyone who talked about vaccine “shedding” was called a “conspiracy theorist”? Yeah, well turns out we were RIGHT, it is a thing and it raises all kinds of issues for the vaxxed and purebloods!

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