2024 going going …..
It was on the 29th January 2024 that I published my very first Substack, you can still read it here! 602 substacks have followed and I hope you have found at least some to be of interest to you!
I will not submit, I will not comply
It was on the 29th January 2024 that I published my very first Substack, you can still read it here! 602 substacks have followed and I hope you have found at least some to be of interest to you!
What does 2025 hold in store for the UK? Let’s speculate… ****BUY A TICKET FOR MY NEXT LIVE LONDON EVENT…
As you know, Dame Ester Rantzen has been a key influencer on the push from this dreadful Labour Government to bring in assisted killing (suicide).
Last day of 2024 and time to talk about what 2025 holds! Let’s start in the USA, what will Trump…
Looks like they are lining up CLIMATE CHANGE as the real successor to Covid 19! ****BUY A TICKET FOR MY…
Fraser Nelson writes an articles PRAISING immigration and how well we have integrated those coming here, but he is completely…
The psyop known as “Bird Flu” has been simmering away on the back boiler for some time now but it made quite a dramatic come back over the Christmas period as the infamous Dr.
UK Media pushing the idea of taking weight loss jabs in January as a sensible option! ****BUY A TICKET FOR…
Did you see that from today the EU is imposing the rule that electronics manufactures must from fit all devices sold in the EU with USB-C charger ports in a bid by the 27-nation bloc to reduce waste and cut costs for consumers, who will no longer have to purchase separate chargers for each device they own.
Who would have figured that the Christmas-New Year interregnum would see the right at war with ITSELF in the US…
Gerry Adams denies he was ever in the IRA despite evidence he was in fact a LEADER of the IRA….
It’s a fair enough question – why does the Irish Government appear to be such an ardent supporter of terrorism?