1984 arrives in 2024


​  David Vance SubstackRead More

Well then, we live in interesting times as the Chinese might put it and it seems that George Orwell’s 1984 is now being vigorously enacted by Sir Keir Starmer in 2024. It seems to me that he has weaponised the death of three young girls to close down ANY legitimate debate on mass migration, open borders or Islam. The majority in this country have been turned into the enemy.

All of a sudden, the media fall into lockstep and insist the REAL enemy is the EDL affiliated “FAR RIGHT” and even King Charles joins in the assault on working class Brits fed up with the consequences of unwanted immigration on their communities. Prisons have been emptied of ACTUAL murderers so that space is created to imprison those who post hurt words on social media. The sentences being doled out by a compliant judiciary to young foolish men who took part in riotous behaviour contrast with the absence of such when the rioters were from ethnic minorities and the cause was BLM.

We have witnessed someone being arrested for posting “inaccurate” information on Social Media and Starmer seems determined to restrict Elon Musk’s X/Twitter platform in the UK. Thus far his fury has been met by Musk mocking him but I wonder where this will lead. I am certain that some people are now MUCH more reluctant to use social media, fearing a knock as the door from Starmer’s though police.

The UK is rapidly turning into full on authoritarianism and no dissent will be allowed. The Conservatives have been largely mute as this has been developing demonstrating once again that it is a UNIPARTY that we face.

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