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16 Days of Christmas Treason

Supposedly: What started as a literal fishing expedition turned into a failed 16-day effort to sound the alarm and push the various parts of the DHS intelligence apparatus into action. The office created in the wake of 9/11 to share intelligence more broadly and prevent another catastrophic attack failed to share its intelligence ahead of the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot.

That is what is said in an article released this week by Yahoo News. Personally, I don’t believe a single word of the story. Not that it isn’t possible, but the timing of the release of this tale is very suspect. Just as power shifts in the House…. I don’t know, it just doesn’t look right on so many levels.

According to the story a domestic terrorism analyst at DHS was scanning the Social Media Sites looking for anything suspicious as part of his job. That makes perfect sense he was doing his due diligence. As a domestic terrorism analyst his job title suggests that might be his duty. What he “stumbled upon”, and what happened next is the part that I find hard to believe.

On Dec. 20, 2020, a 21-year-old intelligence analyst went online to search for local Washington, D.C., fishing holes and stumbled upon the blueprint of a plot to storm the Capitol and execute members of Congress and law enforcement officers to prevent the certification of electoral votes to make Joe Biden the next president.

The domestic terrorism analyst with the Department of Homeland Security saw a link to a website where people “actively at that moment were discussing the commission of acts of terroristic violence and the violent overthrow of the government of the United States,” according to the analyst’s written account later provided to investigators.

There is the analyst “witnessed upwards of 500 pages worth of potential threats to national security,” including people urging others — and discussing how — to smuggle illegal weapons into the nation’s capital and avoid detection by law enforcement. The DHS intelligence analyst also saw “discussion references of overthrowing the US Government by force/sparking a second civil war and veiled credible threats of violence toward other US persons who were perceived enemies, specifically Members of Congress and other federal employees.”

Over those 16 days, this analyst and others inside DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis saw the plot unfold in excruciating detail. They watched as maps of the Capitol access tunnels were circulated online, along with tactical information about how to smuggle illegal weapons into D.C. and which radio frequencies to use for communication during the attack. They saw threats to members of Congress and local D.C. and Capitol police, and operational plans for the attack. They saw online posts by people who said they had put their last will and testament in order and told their children they were going to Washington, D.C., to defend the country and were willing, and expecting, to die for their cause.

Now re-read that and tell me if you believe that with all that information, from multiple agents. The DHS didn’t act? They didn’t as required by Law share that information with ANY other agency? They didn’t trace these IP Addresses to their owners and at the very least question them….? Come on, we are supposed to believe that?

No, we are to believe that they had all this Intel and Illegally sat on it, DHS did nothing. That is the storyline, and we’re only finding out about it now over 2 years later. Of course, the super thorough January 6th Committee didn’t find this Inspector General’s Report, and the IG would never have bothered telling them. No, Yahoo News found out about it before anyone investigating Jan 6th for over 2yrs did. They “Uncovered it”. No, it was leaked to them by someone with a motive.

I believe the story to be a Lie, a fabrication of someone or some agency with the ability to fabricate 500 pages of internet traffic and get copies of the Capitol Tunnel System that gives unfettered access so Politicians can move about the Capitol complex securely between buildings away from the press and the public. Both are not easy tasks.

If that is not the case and this is for real? Then we have a whole lot of questions, and a whole lot of Prosecutions that need to be made and asked. Who did the Analyst report to, how many Analysts were involved, who were the Supervisors, who did they report to, who did the IG report to, who made the decision to break the Law and not inform any other agency? These are just the first basic questions. If this story is true the lives of many people were threatened by people who didn’t expect to comeback alive, and no one acted on it? What is the Purpose of the Department of Homeland Security if they can gather these types of threats and do absolutely nothing?

The only way to know if this story is a fraud or reality is to add another hearing to the long list of hearings that we have before us and put these people Under Oath.

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