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Weaponising human tragedy.

The State never misses the opportunity to take advantage of human tragedy to advance its own hateful narratives. This is what Nottingham was all about.

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One thought on “Weaponising human tragedy.

  1. We all know the media don’t tell the full truth. I honestly think the media and the politicians tell the same story because they refuse to admit THEY created this problem, if they didn’t create it then they certainly did nothing to stop it.
    The story we are told is they don’t want to stir up racial divide….do they think we are stupid?
    I’ll accept there is a minority of uneducated bigots that reporting the truth could trigger into the belief that all people who look the same act the same…that’ll never change, glossing over it and playing down the real issue I’d creating a much more worrying problem, firstly rational people are aware they’re being lied to, this frustration is pushing them to the belief that we are treated differently and the government don’t care…they’ll create intelligent people full of hate…that’s far worse than the brain dead bigot that would hate no matter what. More importantly…the only way to resolve a problem is accept it exists, then talk openly, discuss it and plan to eradicate it…if that makes a snowflake worried that somebodies feelings might get hurt…or their human rights are being infringed then tough ! What about the human rights of those poor victims of this lunacy? What about the feelings of those left to grieve? One thing is 100% certain and that is a problem exists, it will nor go away if we ignore it…if the feelings of half the country are hurt but it saves just 1 tragedy of an innocent life then its worth it…anyone who says differently needs to give themselves a shake.
    The people of this country deserve better.
    By continuing to not report the truth, to not address an issue it’s going to result in people thinking they need to take action…that will lead to the exact thing they’re trying to avoid.


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