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Trump doubles down supporting the Jab!

Donald Trump is proud of the Covid vaccines, he thinks they saved up to 100m lives, and he doubles down in support of the clot shots. Will this damage him or is it a non event? Well, I asked my Twitter followers and they gave a clear judgement!


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3 thoughts on “Trump doubles down supporting the Jab!

  1. Donald Trump in my opinion is a Judas Goat as is Biden albeit with different roles to the same end. Trump took folks to the edge ie MAGA, Biden then took over as stockyard keeper…….ie the jab.
    So, we have been taken psychologically to a high with Trump and a low with Biden. As things usually come in three’s, I’m truly aware of the third Judas Goat whom will appear to be our saviour (I would put money on DeSantis) but whom ever, this third middle Judas Goat will be the most dangerous……the real kicker!

    Stay strong, keep people close who make you laugh so much so that you almost tinkle in your panties, you all dance together whilst listening to music of different choices and that every second is a joy to cherish in their company, but more importantly, keep your faith. 🙏

    1. I don’t know you paint a pretty bleak picture there Jayne, and an argument can be made for looking at it that way.

      I still have faith, in people. The system is definitely broke, but I have faith it will eventually get better.

      1. I do hope so Patrick as I have lost trust/faith in some of humanity these last three years.
        Your wise words always gives me a sense of peace and hope for the future. Thank you.


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