The Vaxx and Reproductive Health.
Some experts are raising great concerns about what the Covid 19 Gene Therapy treatments might have on the human reproductive system. Let’s consider these!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I will not submit, I will not comply
Some experts are raising great concerns about what the Covid 19 Gene Therapy treatments might have on the human reproductive system. Let’s consider these!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Just WHERE did the medical industry get the brass neck to con enormous numbers of people into doing something based on fraudulent testing? Let’s examine the world of Fertility MOT’s and compare to Covid testing!
Find a whole lot more at https://dav…
Actions have consequences and when the Government decided it was perfectly safe for pregnant women to get the experimental gene therapies from Pfizer and co, the stage was set. Let’s discuss RSV and why it appears to be about to rocket!
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