Pfizer knew.
Ever wondered what the legal terms were with which Governments entered into agreements with Pfizer? Now we know – and it’s every bit as bad as you feared.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I will not submit, I will not comply
Ever wondered what the legal terms were with which Governments entered into agreements with Pfizer? Now we know – and it’s every bit as bad as you feared.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
The wheels are coming off the great Covid scam and Pfizer profits are collapsing with it!
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Imagine being hospitalised with Pericarditis after your 2nd Pfizer Covid jab and then recording a video from your hospital bed in which you praise the vaccine! Let’s discuss the weird tale of Georgie Clark.
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Lots of people will have seen the shock video footage from Project Veritas allegedly exposing Pfizer for what senior employee…
Big Pharma has it all sorted. They cause the PROBLEM and provide the SOLUTION!
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Some of the most vociferous advocates for the jabs often end up in a terrible state. Let’s discuss…
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Actions have consequences and when the Government decided it was perfectly safe for pregnant women to get the experimental gene therapies from Pfizer and co, the stage was set. Let’s discuss RSV and why it appears to be about to rocket!
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Some new research on the Pfizer jabs raises a very interesting question; just WHAT exactly is in this treatments?
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Pfizer are reported to have said they intend to INCREASE the price of their Covid-19 jab from $30 to around $130. Naturally the gullible don’t PAY for their toxic jab but Governments do and it’s gonna get a whole lot more expensive!
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Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla publicly claimed that their Covid “vaccine” stopped transmission of the virus. The problem with this is that we now know that Pfizer NEVER tested to see if it did this! So, was he lying or was he stupid?
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Pfizer’s super duper new Covid 19 treatment in tablet form has a problem – can you guess what it is? That’s right – it can cause blood clots. Oops!
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