Weaponising Measles…
The Establishment is threatening children with 21 days isolation if they aren’t jabbed TWICE with the MMR treatment and if there is an outbreak of measles.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I will not submit, I will not comply
The Establishment is threatening children with 21 days isolation if they aren’t jabbed TWICE with the MMR treatment and if there is an outbreak of measles.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
BBC reports that there is a surge in the cases of Measles being recorded in the UK in 2023 and argues this means children need to be vaccinated all the more. But what is the history of Measles and why might this challenge the BBC view?
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You know when they tell you that the Measles vaccination made such a great difference to our lives, saving many lives in the process. Well, when we look at the evidence to justify this, there is none. In fact, to the contrary.
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