Boots run out of Covid Tests!
Did you see that such is the alleged panic over the new “Pirola” Covid variant that Boots have run out of the (literally useless) Covid test kits? Let’s discuss….
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I will not submit, I will not comply
Did you see that such is the alleged panic over the new “Pirola” Covid variant that Boots have run out of the (literally useless) Covid test kits? Let’s discuss….
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Italy to start testing ALL tourists arriving from China. US likely to follow. China is being PUNISHED for daring to stop mass testing of its citizens.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Did you see that a delivery of over 1 MILLION fake Covid Tests from China were intercepted in the Netherlands? Let’s be honest – without the mass testing, they could NOT have sustained the illusion of a Pandemic! They needed the fear, they needed the…