Ireland enriches Migrants over the Irish.
The Irish Government is paying “asylum seekers” almost €600 a WEEK as they lounge in their 4 Star Hotels and get free food! Insanity.
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I will not submit, I will not comply
The Irish Government is paying “asylum seekers” almost €600 a WEEK as they lounge in their 4 Star Hotels and get free food! Insanity.
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Irish students to be instructed via the curriculum that to be White, Male Or Irish is privileged. This is how a society rots away.
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Ireland, like the UK, uses the possession of a television as a reason to force you to pay a TV License. But more and more people have woken up and they simply refuse today this anachronistic penalty.
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The Irish Government is on record saying it wants to reduce the national herd of cows by 200,000 in order to help achieve “Net Zero”. A new “study” shows 2/3rds of suckling farmers are open to such moves. What is going on with livestock and by implic…
Ireland is one of the most heavily vaccinated countries on Earth. Yet according to Clontarf Hospital in north Dublin it is seeing a surge in Covid hospitalisations and so restrictions such as mask wearing are now being re-introduced!
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Irish Bishops are very unhappy at the declaration by the UK Government that ALL schools must teach about access to abortion services and early pregnancy services. Up until this point it was a matter for the individual school, now that choice has been…
Irish PM Leo Varadkar insists that Ireland must prepare to take even MORE migrants even as most Irish people insist too many have already been allowed into the country.
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The Irish county of Waterford boasted that its people were keen to get their Covid jabs and the compliance rate is reputed to be over 98%. Can you guess which Irish county has recorded a SHOCKING level of excess deaths?
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The Irish Government has brought forward and voted for the MOST draconian law attacking free speech. Even Elon Musk is outraged.
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Today marks the 25th anniversary of the political carve up known as the Good Friday Agreement. I remember it well…
US President Joe Biden is coming to Belfast to “celebrate” the 25th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement. Well, I opposed it back then and I oppose it now! Let me explain why!
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What is the significance of Mohammad being the most popular Baby Boy name in Galway City in Ireland?
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Another small Irish village is to be changed out of all recognition as hundreds of alleged “asylum seekers” are bussed in to be accommodated in a Manor. How long can this continue before people rise up?
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Ireland is a much smaller country than the UK and so demographic change can be brought about much more quickly, with much more devastating consequences. Balbriggan used to a quaint seaside town, just north of Dublin. Now it suffers African gangs enga…
The Irish PM Michael Martin condemns a Catholic priest for not being “inclusive”! The essence of ALL Faiths is that by definition they cannot be “inclusive”. Heaven does not contain demons, but this world has plenty of them and they demonise priests…