Please leave your White Male privilege at the door?
Irish students to be instructed via the curriculum that to be White, Male Or Irish is privileged. This is how a society rots away.
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I will not submit, I will not comply
Irish students to be instructed via the curriculum that to be White, Male Or Irish is privileged. This is how a society rots away.
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Did you that Dylan Mulvaney – a biological man – has been voted Woman. of the Year at a Virgin Atlantic ceremony. This is mocking real women and is a sign of the evil times in which we live.
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There are teachers in the Education system who “identify” as “gender neutral” and so have to explain to their students that there are a whole set of pronouns they must use when addressing them in class. This is insane.
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What are we to make of a former Labour politician who whilst born a biological male, now identifies as a woman and has had surgery, and wants to know where can he find a private clean space at Gatwick airport to dilate? Welcome to clownworld.
Renowned Biologist Richard Dawkins makes it clear that it is literally impossible to change sex/gender. The *only* way this is possible is linguistically and that is exactly what we are experiencing! It’s a war on the meaning of words!
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Female teacher in an all-Girl’s School reprimanded for saying “Good afternoon, Girls” to her class of girls. One of the 11 year old students uses other pronouns, you see.
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No, I haven’t decided to transit. However tomorrow, I intend attending a “Let Women Speak” event in Belfast where Kelly Jay Keen aka Posie Parker will be speaking. A vociferous trans activist base will also be nearby so let’s see what happens! Here i…
We live in clownworld. The Canadian Cancer Society is recommending that “trans women” get checked for cervical cancer. The problem here is that they don’t have a cervix!
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How are sensible teachers to cope with pupils deciding that they want to be called by a name which is contradictory to their gender? Do they go along with it and indulge the students? If they resist it, they risk being sacked. What to do?
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“Man, I feel like a woman” takes on a whole new meaning in Scotland and SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon’s transgender policies are in a mess! You love to see it.
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The Scottish Gender Recognition Act is causing all kinds of trouble for Labour as it goes to war with itself over the simple question – what is a woman?
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The science is settled. If you are a female, you have XX sex chromosomes. If you are a male, you have XY chromosomes. These are fixed and for life. So when people change gender, the chromosomes stay the same, so what exactly if anything changes?
There are heterosexual people and that has historically been deemed the overwhelming majority. There are homosexual people and that has historically been deemed the overwhelming minority. A new survey of Americans BY GENERATION suggests this is chang…