The David Vance Show: with Anna Redfern
What was it like trying to keep a small cinema going during Covid lockdowns in Wales? Let’s talk to Anna Redfern of Cinema and Co!
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I will not submit, I will not comply
What was it like trying to keep a small cinema going during Covid lockdowns in Wales? Let’s talk to Anna Redfern of Cinema and Co!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
The Spring of 2020 saw a global act of apparent genocide carried out against unsuspecting by a mendacious medical cohort. Ventilators played a significant role in this, let’s discuss!
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There are some out there who still “believe” that Covid is a real and present threat despite their being triple jabbed. Worse, some of these core Covidians keep catching “Covid” and become ill. What’s REALLY going on?
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Over on InfoWars, Alex Jones is claiming a TSA whistleblower says masks will be mandated from October with Nov/Dec lockdowns as a new “variant” triggers strict counter measures? Plausible or nonsense?
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Did you see that the Government’s former Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Jonathan Van-Tam, has joined Moderna as a part time “adviser”? This is now it works.
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Does the advent of Pi – another son of Omicron – mean that facemarks should return? The Covidian cultists seem to think so!
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Ireland is one of the most heavily vaccinated countries on Earth. Yet according to Clontarf Hospital in north Dublin it is seeing a surge in Covid hospitalisations and so restrictions such as mask wearing are now being re-introduced!
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Imagine being hospitalised with Pericarditis after your 2nd Pfizer Covid jab and then recording a video from your hospital bed in which you praise the vaccine! Let’s discuss the weird tale of Georgie Clark.
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Did you read about the Anglican Church that spend £20,000 to have a stain glassed window installed showing scenes from Covid? They are now literally worshipping Covid.
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Former BBC News presenter Donna Traynor had the summer sniffles, tested herself and yes, she has FINALLY tested positive for “Covid 19” and is now masked up and avoiding a family funeral “to stay safe”. Unbelievable.
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Despite warning us off the rise of ERIS, son of Omicron, the media also reports the Government is to no longer provide Covid OR Flu shots for anyone under the age of 65! What’s going on?
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The Covid fanatics haven’t gone away. They are still pretending that it will come back and we aren’t prepared to handle it!
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Guess what? They have invented a new Covid variant called ERIS and they are pretending it is “sweeping the country” putting people in hospital!
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After a few years, it is reasonable to step back and consider the impact of the Covid jabs? Did they do good, or evil? Did they cause the deaths some warned, or was it overstated?
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The utter desperation of the pro-Jab lobby is manifest in the latest suggestion that “picking your nose” spreads Covid more quickly than otherwise. Further, lying in bed at the weekend can increase your chances of having a stroke. Such is clownworld!…