No Care in the Care Homes.
The Covid Inquiry hears from Scottish bereaved families that their relatives were effectively starved to death in 2020/2021. I would suggest this is about right.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I will not submit, I will not comply
The Covid Inquiry hears from Scottish bereaved families that their relatives were effectively starved to death in 2020/2021. I would suggest this is about right.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
A UK newspaper reports that Scottish Police are gathering evidence to investigate WHY so many elderly people died in Care Homes in Scotland in Spring 2020.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
If you are watching “I’m a Celebrity, get me out of here” and enjoying the ritual humiliation of Matt Hancock then YOU are being manipulated by the British Government into being entirely distracted from the real crimes of Hancock and his associated i…