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Kelvin MacKenzie and the turning tide

It’s instructive to read what former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie is saying these days about alleged vaccine injury and vaccine efficacy. Is the tide finally turning? Those like MacKenzie sit at the heart of the Establishment so when they start querying what is going on, you know something is happening.


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One thought on “Kelvin MacKenzie and the turning tide

  1. From one GOAT to another, wishing you a belated Happy Birthday David!
    Many friends whom were healthy are now on two to three different drugs per day due to various acquired medical conditions since early 2021. Regarding cancer, I totally agree. Again, I’m seeing it with friends at a rate I have never seen before, from skin cancer, cancer of the throat to cancer in their lymph nodes. Very sad.
    Looking forward to your live tonight with Dr Malik.

    I look forward to watching/listening to tonight live.


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