Purity Police out to get you.
Covid has introduced a caste of holier-than-thou puritans who judge everyone. I oppose them.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
I will not submit, I will not comply
Covid has introduced a caste of holier-than-thou puritans who judge everyone. I oppose them.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
The first female CEO of Aviva Insurance, Amanda Blanc, boasts that any WHITE person being considered for a senior role must be signed off personally by her. This filter process does NOT apply to any other race. So, even though she may not see it, man…
It seems to me that those people who are reverting to wearing face masks at this point in the game have been so profoundly reprogrammed by State propaganda that there is no hope for them. They are lost but it’s not their fault!
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You can’t say they don’t tell us what they want to see happen. WEF head honcho Klaus Swaub says he believes new technology can replace elections as it will tell leaders what people want. This is overt technocracy.
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Two more Labour run councils in England say they will go bankrupt UNLESS rates rise by a staggering 15%. I say, let them go bankrupt. We can cope without having any of these bureaucratic bodies!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Pity Piers Morgan. He now confesses he had “long Covid” for 7 months after getting his Covid jab but then goes on to claim the jabs saved his life!
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
The Malthusian monsters behind the jabs are clever, they know that democide has to be carried ou slowly so the public are not aware they are being culled.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
1. Live Show in London2. The rest.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
News emerges that the Home Office, headed up by James Cleverly, has set aside £700m to help “manage” the arrival of Channel migrants up to 2034! This is institutional treason.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Cancer is a serious worry for many families as loved ones fall victim to one form or another but the apparent emergence of Turbo Cancers in the past few years is a particular concern.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Could Nigel Farage rejoin the Conservatives as Lord Farage in the New Year as Boris Johnson replaces Rishi Sunak as Leader? It’s desperate stuff but could it happen?
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
Baroness Mone is on a sticky wicket as she “regrets” not making it clear that she had publicly
stated her links to a company selling personal protective equipment during the lockdown era.
Find a whole lot more at https://davidvance.net
We are subjected to endless pro-vaccination media propaganda including the truly ludicrous claim that getting the common cold can cause blood clots!
Please remember that we have a very special LIVE Event in LONDON 12th Dec with Andrew Bridgen MP an…
Boris Johnson appears to have been chosen by the Globalist elite to keep the killing in Ukraine going! He has a new article out castigating the US Senate for (temporarily) blocking $60bn for Ukraine. Johnson seems to revel in death.
Please remember…
Back in 2021 and 2022, Piers Morgan was prominent in DEMANDING the isolation and punishment of the unvaccinated. Then in 2023, he executed a u-turn, claiming to have seen “new evidence” to make him rethink his view on the unjabbed. Bring it up to dat…